This is a comic I first made for the Dark Horse contest back in 2004 or 2005. it didn’t get in. With the help of my friend Sean Causley to re-script it and letter it so that I could enter it into Zuda. Again another loss. So Here it is. I thinking of going back to this sometime soon.

Online | CBR
This is the first comic book I made completely by myself and printed it. I did it for the first New York Comic Con in 2006.
Bud and Tony will be back sooner than later.

This is my webcomic. I update it every Tuesdays & Thursday. Ants was Glyph nominated in 2010 for a rising star award.
I saw your work at the Art-O-Matic and really enjoyed your work! Awesome stuff looks so good framed!
Thanks a lot man!
Wats good My Dude.. Been gettting my gear up for my Dj business. Yeah.. I went from Guns to
Holla at me. Dj Wun Moshen